The Drought Aid – Armidale, Guyra, Glen Innes and Surrounding Towns campaign is the idea of and coordinated by Jaclyn Bold at Bold Trailer And Caravan Repair Centre.
The campaign has 3 goals:
1. Raise money for the drought affect residents in these towns.
2. Collect donations of water, non perishable food and other supplies and deliver this to the drought affected residents in these towns.
3. Encourage caravanners and travellers to visit drought affected rural towns to help their local economies.
All financial donations received are being given to both the Rotary Club of Armidale and The Country Women’s Association of Guyra – Evening Branch. Both of these community groups will be distributing the financial aid directly to drought affected residents in need.
Donate Online: HERE
People can donate water, food and other supplies either directly to Bold Trailer And Caravan Repair Centre or to one of the donation locations set up across Southern Sydney and the New England Region in NSW.
Find your nearest Donation Location: CLICK HERE
The donation locations are delivering the donated items to Bold Trailer And Caravan Repair Centre where they are being sorted and packed for transport and delivered to transport.
Skymed Aeromedical offered their private air ambulance, along with Edwards Aviation, to transport the donations from Sydney to Armidale Airport. Bold Trailer And Caravan Repair Centre delivers the donations to their plane at Bankstown Airport and they fly the donations to Armidale Airport.
Follow The Campaign Online:
Once the donations reach Armidale Airport members of the Guyra and Armidale Rotary Clubs and the Country Women’s Association collect the donations from the airport and take them to a central location and turn them into hampers for drought affected residents. The CWA members then distribute the hampers by hand directly to people in need as quickly as possible.
To encourage caravanners and travellers to visit drought affected rural towns, we are using social media as well as speaking to our customers both in person and through our monthly newsletter. We are hoping to increase these conversations in the media, with other businesses in the caravanning industry and with caravanning organisations.