Our NSW Roads and Maritime qualified Examiners can perform all your registration inspections including e-safety checks (Pink Slip), AUVIS (Blue Slip) and HVAIS (Brown Slip) checks.
Pink Slips (the e-safety inspection): This is the annual safety check for your boat trailer that is required for NSW registration. Unlike a car that gets 5 years without needing a safety inspection, a boat trailer requires an e-Safety inspection every year from it’s very first registration.
Blue Slips (AUVIS Inspection): This is the light vehicle inspection required for an unregistered boat trailer weighing under 1999kg. This could be because your registration expired, you have a brand new boat trailer that has never been registered or you need to register a boat trailer that you have purchased from interstate in NSW.
Brown Slips (HVAIS Inspection): This is the heavy inspection required for an unregistered boat trailer with a GTM over 2000kg. This inspection may be required if your boat trailer registration expired more than 3 months ago or you need to register a boat trailer in NSW that you have purchased from interstate or overseas.
Weighbridge Tickets: All unregistered boat trailers that have never been registered in NSW before require a weighbridge ticket as part of the registration requirements for Service NSW. We have a certified weighbridge on site to provide this service.
Boat trailer registration Inspections are by appointment only.
Call us on (02) 8544-8114 – we look forward to helping you.