With international borders closed, caravanning and the great aussie road trip has become a booming industry.

Caravan manufacturers are selling record numbers of recreational vehicles and there is a flurry of sales of second hand caravans and camper trailers. People young and old are so keen to hit the road that they are even buying old dilapidated caravans that have been unregistered and sitting in paddocks for a few decades.

This boom in caravanning and the great aussie road trip has families and grey nomads searching the maps for their next destination.

But the age old question is still the same! Where to go? Right now that is as far as border restrictions will allow. You may have grand plans to travel the east coast of Australia or do the big lap – but you may need to create a plan to circumnavigate your own state or coastline.

There are some great resources online and on your mobile phone that can help you plan your perfect trip. (See links below)

Each state and territory has its own tourism board and this is a great place to start. There is also Wikicamps that boasts to be Australia’s largest database of campgrounds, caravan parks, points of interest, dump stations, visitor information centres etc…

Ask for recommendations on Facebook. There are plenty of caravanning, camping and Aussie road trip groups happy to share tips and stories of their own travelling experiences.

If you are planning a trip for the future and you want to cross state borders, make sure you have some contingency plans ready just in case? for all possible situations you may find yourself in. (including unexpected border re-closure).

Useful Links

State And Territory Tourism websites









Facebook Groups:

Caravanning, Boating & Anything Towing: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BoldTCRC/

Mums Who Caravan and Camp: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mwcac/

Everything Caravan and Camping: https://www.facebook.com/groups/everythingcaravanandcamping/